Sunday, July 12, 2015

PoliCTF 2015 - Hard Interview (50)

This one had no description, just a server & port number:

This is the initial screen:
        ____                                     __                              __
        /\  _`\                                  /\ \__                          /\ \__
        \ \ \/\ \     __   _____      __     _ __\ \ ,_\   ___ ___      __    ___\ \ ,_\
         \ \ \ \ \  /'__`\/\ '__`\  /'__`\  /\`'__\ \ \/ /' __` __`\  /'__`\/' _ `\ \ \/
          \ \ \_\ \/\  __/\ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \/ \ \ \_/\ \/\ \/\ \/\  __//\ \/\ \ \ \_
           \ \____/\ \____\\ \ ,__/\ \__/.\_\\ \_\  \ \__\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__\
            \/___/  \/____/ \ \ \/  \/__/\/_/ \/_/   \/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/
                             \ \_\
                     ___      ____               ___
                   /'___\    /\  _`\           /'___\
              ___ /\ \__/    \ \ \/\ \     __ /\ \__/   __    ___     ____     __
             / __`\ \ ,__\    \ \ \ \ \  /'__`\ \ ,__\/'__`\/' _ `\  /',__\  /'__`\
            /\ \L\ \ \ \_/     \ \ \_\ \/\  __/\ \ \_/\  __//\ \/\ \/\__, `\/\  __/
            \ \____/\ \_\       \ \____/\ \____\\ \_\\ \____\ \_\ \_\/\____/\ \____\
             \/___/  \/_/        \/___/  \/____/ \/_/ \/____/\/_/\/_/\/___/  \/____/

____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ ____ ___ ____ ___     ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____    ____ _  _ _    _   _
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Looks like a basic shell probably watered down with a few commands.

fish@sword:~$ help

 A very hard interview: Codename Blow...Fish
Maybe you can help me with something...
DOD d-base, 128 bit encryption....What do you think?
Maybe slide in a Trojan horse hiding a worm...
I have been told that best "crackers" in the world can do it 60 minutes, unfortunately i need someone who can do it in 60 seconds... naturally with the right incentives ;)
If you know what I mean, tell me how a real cracker accesses to a remote super protected server...

Possible commands:
      hacker: Write code as a real hacker
        help: Give informations about the program
        hint: Gives a little hint
        exit: Loser...bye Bye
         ssh: A tiny ssh command
        date: A very useful and innovative feature

As we can see in the help, we have a few options. The most interesting being hacker, ssh & date.
Hacker does nothing but read from arbitrary files and prints it back to the client.
Date doesn't appear to do anything very interesting.
SSH works in some interesting ways highlighted below:

Trying a few users:
fish@sword:~$ ssh fish@
 ... Username not found
... Address not reachable

fish@sword:~$ ssh root@
 ... Username not found
... Address not reachable

fish@sword:~$ ssh admin@
 ... Username found
... Address not reachables|

Unfortunately all addresses are unreachable :(

But it seems that "admin" is the username.
Now after trying a few IP's, it started to be a clue we should look somewhere else. Maybe we should look for the original Swordfish Footage?

Here's a link to the original Scene -

Let's play through it and change the speed at which the video runs to 0.25 on YouTube, so that we can watch all terminal activity.
You may notice around 96-97s in, the ip shows:


Let's try each with the ssh utility.

fish@sword:~$ ssh admin@213.225.312.5

 ... Username found
... Address reachable

Looks like the first one works, but it's not enough, let's try the second.
fish@sword:~$ ssh admin@312.5.125.233



There we go, a nice flag to wrap up a very nostalgic challenge.

P.S. The glitch-art took longer than the Challenge :D