Sunday, September 6, 2015

MMA CTF 2015 - cannotberun (80)

Admittedly this one wasn't an interesting process as I didn't have access to any windows boxes or VM's. So it was quickly done in radare2.
$ r2 cannotberun
> s sym.main

Used '<' and '>' hotkeys in radare2 to step through the code a bit, and found an interesting looking block (About 7 pages down):
0000:04f4    40           inc ax
0000:04f5    0938         or word [bx + si], di
0000:04f7    c6400a31     mov byte [bx + si + 0xa], 0x31     ; [0x31:1]=0 ; '1'
0000:04fb    c6400b66     mov byte [bx + si + 0xb], 0x66     ; [0x66:1]=32 ; 'f'
0000:04ff    c6400c73     mov byte [bx + si + 0xc], 0x73     ; [0x73:1]=10 ; 's'
0000:0503    c6400d67     mov byte [bx + si + 0xd], 0x67     ; [0x67:1]=114 ; 'g'
0000:0507    c6400e36     mov byte [bx + si + 0xe], 0x36     ; [0x36:1]=0 ; '6'
0000:050b    ff15         call word [di]
unk(unk, unk) ; section_end..text

Doesn't look big enough to be a flag, but let's try shifting around a little. I usually play with left and arrow keys to see if alignment issues are in place. In this case, it seemed like there were. You'll see the result after shifting to the right amount below:
0000:04d0    c60037       mov byte [bx + si], 0x37           ; [0x37:1]=0 ; '7'
0000:04d3    c6400161     mov byte [bx + si + 1], 0x61       ; [0x61:1]=39 ; 'a'
0000:04d7    c6400233     mov byte [bx + si + 2], 0x33       ; [0x33:1]=0 ; '3'
0000:04db    c6400335     mov byte [bx + si + 3], 0x35       ; [0x35:1]=0 ; '5'
0000:04df    c6400468     mov byte [bx + si + 4], 0x68       ; [0x68:1]=117 ; 'h'
0000:04e3    c6400578     mov byte [bx + si + 5], 0x78       ; [0x78:1]=36 ; 'x'
0000:04e7    c6400662     mov byte [bx + si + 6], 0x62       ; [0x62:1]=116 ; 'b'
0000:04eb    c6400739     mov byte [bx + si + 7], 0x39       ; [0x39:1]=0 ; '9'
0000:04ef    c6400871     mov byte [bx + si + 8], 0x71       ; [0x71:1]=63 ; 'q'
0000:04f3    c6400938     mov byte [bx + si + 9], 0x38       ; [0x38:1]=0 ; '8'
0000:04f7    c6400a31     mov byte [bx + si + 0xa], 0x31     ; [0x31:1]=0 ; '1'
0000:04fb    c6400b66     mov byte [bx + si + 0xb], 0x66     ; [0x66:1]=32 ; 'f'
0000:04ff    c6400c73     mov byte [bx + si + 0xc], 0x73     ; [0x73:1]=10 ; 's'
0000:0503    c6400d67     mov byte [bx + si + 0xd], 0x67     ; [0x67:1]=114 ; 'g'
0000:0507    c6400e36     mov byte [bx + si + 0xe], 0x36     ; [0x36:1]=0 ; '6'

This Looked more promising.
Pasted this in vim, and did the following to clean the data:
%s/; //g

Wrap this data in the flag format, and we've got a valid flag!