Monday, September 7, 2015

MMA CTF 2015 - Splitted (30)

This challenge started with a 7z that extracted a pcap.
Launching wireshark, I sort by the length column to check the largest packets captured.

Looks like there's a zip that was transfered, this is probably what we need to extract, also looks like it's in multiple chunks ('splitted').

After naively doing a "Follow TCP Stream" and exporting the data, I realized the segments were in the wrong order.  Notably the "PK" bytes were in the middle, which are part of the magic bytes for a zip file.  Now we need to figure out how to arrange it correctly.  The intuition of where to find this data came from a friend on the team -
On a past challenge he had mentioned there are parts of the packet describing the order in which streams constructed.  Looking a little further I found the "Content-Range" attribute needed to reconstruct the original file.

By the way, if anyone knows of a nice way in python to pull the "Content-Range" section out of the HTTP headers, please leave a comment below, I would love to know!

In this example, we're looking at the 2nd packet in the chain of total split packets.  It shows the Content-Range is 269-937.  Now we just need to export each data portion of the packet to a file.  We'll start by copying the hex representations to a python file and export the zip this way.

By right-clicking on the field underneath "Media Type" we can go to Copy > Bytes > Hex Stream, which will be the representation of bytes in the payload section of this packet only ( A lot nicer than trimming down the header section of each packet ).

Following the "Content-Range" attribute for each packet, we assemble a python file that will export the zip file contained within the capture:

Now we can extract it with unzip, and check what's inside!
Looks like we have a file called flag.psd.
Let's open that up in gimp and see what we've got.

Looks like we've got a blank canvas!  But there's another layer in the psd.  Turning off the first layer, or swapping the layers seems to do the trick.